Real Time
Using Your Analytics Data
Example showing sample/fake data & some ingest data sources

Ingest Data

Attach Your Pipeline

Connect your existing analytic events from a variety of sources, no need to transform or pre-aggregate. You can choose from a variety of input schemas, or we can craft a new one. As long as it's JSON, we will take it.

Filter & Aggregate

Using Events & Properties, exactly as they were sent

Setup filters using JSONPath to decide which events to aggregate. Then, choose properties to group by and which to use for your calculations. Need to exclude some obsolete data? Sending a new event to consider? No problem, just modify your filter - no need to change any code or do a deploy.

Grafana Visualization Example

Visualize & Alert

Powered by Grafana

Set up dashboards and alerts using our Grafana Plugin or roll your own using the Metrics API.

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