Data Quality

Proactive Data Quality

Incidents can be prevented.

Relying on tools that only inform you once data hits your warehouse is too late.

With the Versions Explorer you can compare pre-release data to the previous production version, catch unwanted changes before they ship.

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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I define an "event"?

You can define an event by providing up to 3 properties that go into an event definition. Read more in the docs

If I accidentally send PII, can it be removed from AutoDocs samples?

Yes! Security and privacy is of the upmost importance. Review the docs on how to do this.

Are there limits to the number of events or versions?

There are. In order to safegaurd the system (for example, if you define a user_id field as an event descriptor) - any config that has more than 250 unique events or 200 unique versions will be disabled. These are flexible limits, if you have a need for more events/versions, please contact us.

How deeply nested does AutoDocs scan?

By default, events will be explored up to 10 levels deep, including nested arrays. This is a flexible limit, please contact us if you need this limit increased.

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