# Latest Updates

Below you'll find an evolving list of changes for Aggregations.io.

# 2024-01-24

# Ingest

  • Added new Single JSON Object format option, making it easier to connect webhook producers directly to Aggregations.io.

# 2024-01-18

# Ingest

# 2024-01-03

# Grafana Plugin -- Version 1.1.1

  • Supports recalculatedInterval parameter via new Recalculate Intervals switch. You can use Grafana's built-in Query Options to automatically roll up data to an appropriate interval based on the visible data points. Details
  • 🐛 Minor bug fixes

# 2024-01-02

# 🎉 Happy New Year! 🎉

# Filters

  • Users can now add an alias to groupings. This provides more control & flexibility for how data is returned & visualized. Details

# Metrics API

  • The API will now return the alias value if defined instead of the raw grouping key.

# 2023-12-21

# Metrics API

  • Added new recalculatedInterval parameter to roll up your metrics from Hourly to Daily, Daily to Weekly, etc. Details

# 2023-12-19

# Ingest

  • Added support for Ingesting from Kinesis/Firehose. Details

# 2023-12-16

# Ingest

  • Added new JSON Object with Events in an Array Property format option, allowing users to specify a property that contains their events within an object payload.
  • Deprecated JSON Object with "Events" Array format option, which is unnecessary now that users can specify their own key.

# 2023-12-14

# Organizations

  • Added new Trial Progress notification emails to inform users about their ongoing trial.

# 2023-12-10

# API Keys

  • New permissions functionality to differentiate Read from Write workloads. For further details, see Permissions

# 2023-12-05

# Grafana Plugin

  • Initial release of the Aggregation.io Grafana plugin.
  • Includes alerting, variables & filters support, repeated panels, long (tabular) data option and label controls.
  • See the official Grafana plugin detail page here.
  • To learn how to install and configure the plugin, see the docs here

# Coming Soon

Looking for a specific feature? Let us know